It’s started from hobby and passion. A man who loves skateboarding tries to give another perspective from the old and broken skateboard. Every step and part are handmade with classic craftsmanship since the end of 2014 at a small place workshop in Solo Indonesia.

We use recycled by selecting materials with the finest solid from the skateboard. Create by unique materials and design that will help you emphasize the style and personality with precious wood.

Basically creating and assembling a product by hand, there is a huge focus on care and delivering the best product, the perfect design, the right colour, and the best material so on, that’s different from mass production.

Our mission is to keep broken skateboards nothing last left behind and create meaningful impact through charitable cause.

Making of Loosewood

WORKSHOP : Jl Raden Saleh, Setabelan Banjarsari Solo

PHONE : +6289680837959